The Captivating Glance of a Newborn’s Wide-Eyed Amazement

Although Goldie was this family’s third baby, she brought many firsts. This was their first home birth, mom’s first unmedicated birth, and their first time using Hypnobirthing to bring about a calm, peaceful birth.

Their baby was born at home, with her eyes wide open. This precious soul came into the world so aɩert and calm, brought here with such peace and strength by her mother, Alyssa.

This was Alyssa and Charlie’s third baby, but their first experience with an unmedicated birth and their first home birth. Alyssa used Hypnobabies techniques and they served her very well!

Shortly after that our other midwife Sam and my sister arrived. I was laying on my side on our bed and I felt so much pressure in my bottom.”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“I had no idea what was happening, this was my first natural birth and all of this was uncharted territory for me. My body just took over and was doing what it was made to do.”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“As my body continued to open and stretch I suddenly felt a huge gush which turned out to be my water breaking. Next I felt pressure and burning and everyone in the room started to get excited.”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“My body completely took over and pushed on it’s own. I never felt like I was ‘pushing’ but it happened very fast.”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“I realized that her head was out and that I was so close to meeting my baby.”

Charlie recalled,

“It was the most amazing moment. In tears, so beautiful. I could not stop smiling!”

Alyssa shared,

“I heard her let out a loud cry, yelling with her eyes open as her head came out. And then I heard ‘Grab your baby!’”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“Marigold Rae was born at 3:50am (only about 20 minutes after the midwives arrived).”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“These moments are just so indescribable, so magicaɩ.”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“It was surreal that I was finally meeting this person that was growing inside of my body for the past forty weeks.”

Photo credits: Dallas Arthur Photography

“She is magicaɩ, strong, my hero, perfect in every day, beautiful, determined.”

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